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New top story on Hacker News: Tell HN: Facebook is blocking the publiccode.eu open letter initiative as spam

Report to HN Public Facebook Blocks publiccode.eu open message as spam. 50 to post 8 comments on Hacker News. Just try to share the link on Facebook, it will be blocked as spam. In light of the deceptive messages and scams they use to advertise and disseminate, it is almost impossible to believe that this is unintentional.

Tract Provides Project-based Learning Activities and Resources for Your Class

Tract is an educational platform that provides hands-on, project-based learning resources for XXI students over the age of 8. The student-centered pedagogical philosophy of the tract is based on the peer model, where students create and share projects with their peers in a safe environment.

Tract provides program-based learning activities and resources for your class

Through Tract, students have access to projects and events that cover a variety of topics, including music, technology, world culture, food, sports, nature, art, and more. As students work on challenges and complete missions, they receive rewards in the form of coins ("experience-based coins that can be exchanged for gifts of gratitude given to other students along the way").

As a teacher, you can open your Tract account for free with this EDUCATORSTECHNOLOGY promo code . Create a lesson for your students և Invite them with the generated code. Students enter a tract with their username and password. After enrolling, students can start և creating learning paths. According to one of the founders of Ari Tract, the lesson is a "design, self-directed video course." Students can browse the collection of lessons learned by other students. Each learning path includes information about the creative student, materials needed, difficulty level of each project (for example, easy, medium և advanced) ամ summary of steps to complete the project.

The project aims to help students develop their creative skills և to develop an active learning style. For example, students are encouraged to use reflection questions in their projects to share their thoughts and reflections. You can communicate directly with creative students, ask questions about their projects, and learn from their experiences.

The Tract Projects Gallery allows students to explore projects created through different classes. They can view individual projects, interact with them, add likes, comments. They can also create their own projects, share them with the Tract community.


In fact, the Tract Rewards system is one of the best features you can find on a learning platform. Not only does this motivate students to learn, it also helps them develop social and emotional learning skills. For example, students earn coins by interacting with projects and completing missions. Collected coins can be used to reward other students , or they can be exchanged for social reasons in the Tract Store. This store offers a number of reasons that are in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Another great feature of this leaflet is that it gives educators and teachers real-time knowledge about student education. The pedagogical panel allows teachers to " monitor student progress, conduct class presentations, prepare, guide students through program awards, and provide feedback."

For those of you who are using the Genius Lesson Principles in your classroom, this tract has this interesting guide to help you increase your Genius Lessons / time by 20% և Help your students control their learning by participating in various independent activities. . Creative activity և project management.

Open the tract և use the EDUCATORSTECHNOLOGY promo code to configure your class.

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