SafeShate TV is a website that allows you to watch YouTube և Vimeo videos without distraction. Providing a safer browsing experience, SafeShare eliminates all video distractions, including links to related videos, previews of inappropriate ads, and annotations. Safeshare TV is definitely a great platform for your students. Instead of using third-party tools to convert YouTube videos into classroom-acceptable versions, you can create video content with one click that puts students (and all participants) in a safe environment where they can watch. With SafeShare TV , you can often remove potential sources of inappropriate content (like videos, comments, etc.) associated with YouTube Vimeo. Simple and convenient control. Copy the URL of the video you want to edit in Safeview, paste it into the SafeShare search box, then click Create SafeView. Here is a video broadcast on a clean clean surface. [Related : Watch2Gether is a great tool for watching live video with friends ] SafeShar...