Google Jumbo is an educational whiteboard collaboration platform. Since its inception a few years ago, it has been used by teachers and educators in the context of learning to improve the teaching and learning process. Google Jambboard uses the power of learning to collaborate, making it easier for individuals and groups to think, collaborate, and share ideas instantly. In this article you will learn the following: What is Google Jamboard? How can I upgrade from scratch? How do I add a frame to my jumbo? Learn more about Jamboard features. How to save jam? How to share jam with different options? Learn how to integrate Jamboard into your rooms. Browse pre-built Jamboard templates for use with your student. What is Google Jamboard? Google Jumbo is a collaborative digital whiteboard that allows you to share ideas and collaborate in sync and non-synergy. Each frame contains several frames, and in each frame you can use Jamboard's extensive editing tool, add different sha...