Flipgrid is a great video chat platform that teachers can use to empower students and develop their creative thinking. Flipgrid is a simple way to learn. In the group, teachers use short videos made by Fliprid Camera to add topics to the discussion boards that students respond to. Making videos on Flipgrid is fun և interesting. Students not only copy videos, but also use various editing capabilities, effects, and descriptions to make their videos more descriptive. For example, students include text, images, photos, stickers, GIFs, descriptions, and more. in your videos. You can add such things. (Flipgrid photo credit) Flipgrid is about educating students, creating digital stories, creating, exchanging opinions on digital content, learning languages, and more. It can also be used in a variety of educational activities, including: In this article, I will introduce you to some things you can do on Flipgrid. In particular, I will look at the process of creating groups for your class...