A mind map, as defined by AYOA, is "a visual thinking tool used to gather information and ideas". It is a mental heuristic that helps us win, organize our ideas and thoughts in a more structured and organized way. Brevity Brevity is the main feature of mind maps. When creating a mind map, you focus only on the key, clearing the clutter and making room for new ideas that may have come from a captured relationship or relationship. Hence the reputation of mind maps as thinking tools that improve memory, creativity and productivity. For us, mind maps in education are the primary learning tool that can be used in many different ways. For example, students can create mind maps to help with their mental processes (e.g. think to write). By combining ideas into different structures (threads), students discover new connections, discover new ideas, ways of reasoning, a process known as idea formation. Mind maps can also help students learn visually and creatively by displaying informa...