
Showing posts with the label project based learning

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New top story on Hacker News: Tell HN: Facebook is blocking the open letter initiative as spam

Report to HN Public Facebook Blocks open message as spam. 50 to post 8 comments on Hacker News. Just try to share the link on Facebook, it will be blocked as spam. In light of the deceptive messages and scams they use to advertise and disseminate, it is almost impossible to believe that this is unintentional.

Tract Provides Project-based Learning Activities and Resources for Your Class

Tract is an educational platform that provides hands-on, project-based learning resources for XXI students over the age of 8. The student-centered pedagogical philosophy of the tract is based on the peer model, where students create and share projects with their peers in a safe environment. Through Tract, students have access to projects and events that cover a variety of topics, including music, technology, world culture, food, sports, nature, art, and more. As students work on challenges and complete missions, they receive rewards in the form of coins ("experience-based coins that can be exchanged for gifts of gratitude given to other students along the way"). As a teacher, you can open your Tract account for free with this EDUCATORSTECHNOLOGY promo code . Create a lesson for your students և Invite them with the generated code. Students enter a tract with their username and password. After enrolling, students can start և creating learning paths. According to one of the...