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Pixton Comic Maker- Full Review

Pixton is an online comic book creator that makes it easy for teachers and students to create and share comics. Pixton Comic Maker is easy to use. Everything is done in advance: the characters, the background, the faces, the costumes, the movements, the effects, the banners, the balloons, and so on. Simply select the background, add characters, insert balloons with the text and customize the look of your characters - just click.

Pixton also allows educators to create lessons and invite students to participate. Students can work together to create cartoons, create their own avatars, and learn about the different tools used to tell stories. There are several predefined categories that you can use to evaluate student work and share feedback with them.

Pixton Comic Book Creator:

In addition to creating comics, Pixton also offers a variety of teaching resources to help bring comics into the classroom. Includes content packs, printed materials, rubrics, lesson plans, events, exercises, presentations, and more.

There are endless ways to use comics in the classroom, from digital stories to book reviews and movies. Comics will definitely brighten up your lessons; encourage students to be actively involved in the learning process.

Commission-based activities are also a great way for students to develop their analytical and critical thinking skills, encourage emotional learning, and develop their art and creative thinking. Check out the Pixton Content Package section for ideas for using comics with your students.

The purpose of this article is to introduce Pixton , share some of its features, and show you how to use it. In particular, this publication includes the following points:

  • Pixton Tutor Arrival
  • How do you create a lesson in Pixton?
  • Buxton Student Registration
  • What is Pixton Comic Builder?
  • What is Pixton Avatar Maker?
  • What is Pixest Comics School?
  • What are the parts of Pixton Interactive Comic?
  • What are Pixton Printables?
  • What are Pixton content packages?
  • Pixton Class Ideas
  • Is Bixton free?

Pixton Tutor Arrival

To create a Pixton Education account, go to the Pixton homepage, click Register, and select Teacher. You have three options: Sign in with Google, Microsoft, or Facebook. Click on the avatar you want, follow the instructions to sign up. Once signed in, you can start creating your avatar by clicking on the avatar generator.

How do you create a lesson in Pixton?

To create a Pixton lesson, sign in with your teacher and click the My Lessons tab. Click Create my first lesson. Enter your class name, select grade և Select topics related to your class. Then customize the Student Avatar Maker accessibility features. Choose how you want students to fit into your class.

Buxton Student Registration

Students can access your course in two ways: You can choose the method that is right for you: your students. The first and easiest way is to use Google credentials. If you select this option, students will click on the link you share with them; use Google credentials to sign in.

The second method is to use Pixton usernames. It doesn't take much work on your part. Student names must be entered և Create their username. Then send the course link to your students. When they click on the link, they will be prompted to enter their username to sign in.

What is Pixton Comic Builder?

With Pixton’s Comic Builder, your students can easily create comics for use in the classroom. Here's how it works. Click New Comic, enter your comic name, and start creating.

Choose the background first. Use the search box to search for a specific background (e.g., type: school, home, mall, etc.), and then select characters to add to your story. Click "Words" to add different types of bubbles (e.g., word, think, scream, whisper); Enter text to display in a bubble.

Click on "Faces" to choose from different facial expressions. The action tab allows you to add attitudes (e.g., walking, running, calendaring, standing, waving, etc.). To add more panels to the picture message, click the Add panel on the left. When done, click Done. Your comic is ready to download, print, or share with others.

What is Pixton Avatar Maker?

Pixton's Avatar Builder allows students to create their own avatars for use in comic book designs. The process is simple - simple. Click Create avatar to select sizes, gear types, positions, and more. եք Finally, click Done. Your new avatar is ready for use in comic projects.

What is Pixest Comics School?

Comics School offers a wide range of courses and teaching materials to help teachers get the most out of comics in their classrooms. Each lesson includes a step-by-step lesson plan, an explanation of the learning objectives, an overview of the lesson topic, materials needed, classroom use activities, success criteria, slide presentations, and more.

Some of the lessons offered at the School of Comics include:

A- Comics 101. Start

In this lesson, students will develop their logical skills. They learn to deduce the meaning from an image of erabiltzen using their knowledge to create a comic based on their own conclusions.

B- Elements of a comic - Narrative tools

Students will learn about comic book elements such as B. Panel, Sequence, Theme, Gutter, Caption, Speech Bubble, Thought Bubble, Whisper Bubble, Call Bubble, and Onomatopoeia. In the guided activity, students work on a comic example to identify its different elements.

C - elements of humor - elements of planning

In this lesson, students will learn more about the elements of comics, and focus more on planning. At the end of the lesson, students should be familiar with the terms of the comic, and apply what they have learned to create the animal in their cartoon.

D- Determine the priority

In this lesson, students will be introduced to the concept of an area and will understand what it is and what role it plays. At the end of the lesson there is an exercise to teach students to tell stories in specific places.

E. sign

In this lesson, students will learn how to use the concept of the characters and the humorists to advance the plot of the story. With the cardboard board, students should be able to create characters that they can use in their stories.

Presidency of Justice - I have a solution to this problem

In this lesson, students will learn the concept of storytelling. Using a STEM problem, students apply what they have learned to find solutions. The final activity of the lesson is to create comics that help students understand the concept of problem solving.

Pixton comic maker

What is the Pixton Interactive Comics section?

Pixton offers a printable and ready-to-use interactive Rubik to help teachers and students evaluate their comics. The rubric assesses the following areas: context, purpose, image, sentence, headings, dialogue, spelling, grammar, topic, exchange.

The evaluation form is easy to operate. Simply select the domain you want to value - click on the appropriate ratings to see how everyone values ​​that domain. The explanations given are useful: they can be used for other educational activities (for example , an educational blog with students ).

What are Pixton Printables?

Pixton offers a wide range of comics to use in a variety of comic-based activities that your students can print. Printable materials include glyphs, speech bubbles, character maps (this is a graphic organizer that helps students understand the characters in the story), personalized printed materials for students, and more.

What are Pixton content packages?

The Pixton Content Pack provides students with a pre-designed collection of themed comics that show a specific concept, historical event, intellectual movement, popular film, book, and more.

The content pack aims to be a trigger for a discussion to inform students of the topic being discussed. Each content pack contains pre-made comic elements (such as banners, backgrounds, objects, characters, costumes, movements, faces, etc.) that students can use to recreate key scenes to show their understanding.

To search for content packs, type your query in the search box և Use filters to narrow your search. For example, you can improve your search by degree (K University) or by subject (e.g., history, literature, science, math, culture, social work, fiction, etc.).

Examples of content packs include Settlement, which introduces students to the topic of boarding schools in Canada. Using pre-made comics, students are "encouraged to recreate the story of Chany Wenjak or to create stories like this sensitive but powerful episode in Canadian history."

Another example of a content package is another one called "Fake News". This package introduces students to the topic of fake news, explains what it is, and provides them with ready-made humorous tools that they can use to create caricatures that show an understanding of the topic. One of the exercises suggested in this content pack is to create a short comic for students to convey an informational message that shows how their feelings can be abused.

Pixton Class Ideas

Picton offers an extensive library of lessons that show you how to use comics and avatars in the classroom. You can search this library by entering your query in the search box using the filters on the left to narrow down your search. You can search by topic (e.g. ELA, ESL / ELL, History, Mathematics, SEL, STEM, Science, Social Research, etc.) by subject (e.g., Analysis, Critical Thinking, Assessment, Explanation, Information, History, Satisfaction, etc.) ..) և Depending on the level.

Each lesson contains the following information: topic, lesson duration, topic, grades, purpose, criteria, lesson summary, hooks, activities, resources, suggested content packs, and so on.

Is Bixton free?

The free version of Pixton is very limited in terms of features and content. You need to upgrade to unlock all features. Pixton offers four types of subscriptions: Teacher Only / ($ 9.99 / month), Classroom Subscription ($ 24.99 / month), Annual Classes ($ 99 / year) and School / District / Annual Subscription ( budget request).

More resources
Pixton and Canva Comic Tutorial (video by Jiamie P)


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