What is Cabr?
Keybr is a web-based tool that helps you learn to type using exercises tailored to your skill level. As you improve your typing practice և typing speed, you move on to advanced levels where you can train your muscular memory to print based on the feel of the keyboard.
What is exciting?
Touch typing, according to Techopedia, is a typing method based primarily on the feel of the keyboard without the use of sight. That is, we are talking about muscle memory. This is only possible if you have a strong typing habit, և typing without looking at the keystrokes becomes secondary.
Thus, "the fingers become so accustomed to typing that they instinctively go to the appropriate keys without seeing the typewriter or even touching the keyboard." The opposite of touch typing, for Keybr terminology, is typing, followed by selection , a typing method in which the typewriter looks at the keyboard as you type.
[ 10 Fast Fingers և is a great tool to help you improve your typing skills և increase typing speed. Check out this guide to learn more.]
How does Caber work?
Keybr uses sophisticated algorithms to determine your skill level ստեղծ to create typing lessons tailored to your level. Your typing skill level is measured by your typing speed տ accuracy. Keybr generates random words for you և collects statistics on your overall typing performance as you type. Each time you complete a series of words, Keybr creates a new random series,: the cycle continues.
The words created by Keybr do not necessarily have to be semantic, or many of them are. The goal is for you to be able to type smoothly and efficiently with minimal errors in the shortest amount of time. However, the Keybr algorithm takes into account the phonetic rules of your native language and gives the combinations of letters used in your language.
As Keybr said, typing meaningful text is much easier than repeating random letters և it helps you remember ordinary keyboards. The last point is crucial. For example, the letter "W" can practically not follow the letter "Z". English, և you will never enter this combination in this application. Instead, you will enter more common words such as "the", "that", "with" և and so on. You will soon learn how to "type a combination very quickly".
Keybr suggests words that contain the most common letters (for example, E, N, I, T, R, L). When you start typing, these letters turn gray. As you learn to type, these letters begin to change color as you type. For example, the letter underlined in red means that the typing speed for this key is slow. but the letter underlined in green indicates something else.
Keybr input speed is measured in words per minute (WPM) or minutes per minute (CPM). The definition of a word is standardized by five characters, so 10 words per minute equals 50 minutes per minute. '
Your goal is to improve typing speed և replace red letters with green letters. When you do this, Keybr enters a new S և suggests words containing that letter. Your goal is to change the letter from red to green again, after which new letters և new words are entered, և the cycles are repeated.
Like cabers
To help you improve typing speed and accuracy, Keybr offers you a virtual keyboard that you can use to search for letters without looking at the physical keyboard. However, knowing how to place your fingers correctly on a physical keyboard is an important part of learning to type quickly.
The correct position of the fingers is to search for "buttons" on the F և J keys on the keyboard. Use them to position your index fingers correctly without looking at the calves. When your indexes are in the correct position, you should be able to find the remaining keys. «
Image credit: Keybr.com |
Does Keyblr support custom text?
Here you can add your own text in Keybr using Advanced Mode. Here's how to do it. Click Settings, select Provide your text, then paste your text in the white box. You can put comma-separated words և phrases.
Multiplayer mode
If you want to test your typing skills in competitive mode, try the multiplayer mode. Depending on the number of online players at the time of registration, you will be able to compete with other players in real time. Each player is represented by a colored car. "The faster you type, the faster your car goes. Click as fast as you can to win the race. '
Text tools
Text tools let you type text to see how many characters և a word it contains, measure the time it takes to read it, determine the average typing speed.
How much does a Caber cost?
Keybr offers free եմ premium plans. The premium plan offers all the features of a basic plan, plus no ads, no tracks, fast page loading. There is a "one-time payment that gives lifetime access". Opening a Keybr account (free of charge) also allows you to save keyboard data on the site's servers so that you can access it wherever you have an internet connection.
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