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Epic Books to Improve Kids Reading Skills

Epic is a reading platform for students under the age of 12. It offers a growing library of educational books, audiobooks and videos to help children become stronger readers. As a teacher, you can create your own epic lessons and add students - start reading with them. You can also create tests and include them in student assignments. When students read the upcoming book, take the test, track their reading progress, and rate their effectiveness from the epic whiteboard.

The purpose of this post is to introduce you to Epic : the various services it offers. More precisely, you will learn.
  • Why epic?
  • Does it provide a job?
  • Epic gives teachers a choice.
  • How do I add a student profile to an APK?
  • How to create a group of APK categories?
  • How do you find book customization on Epic?
  • How is the activity group created?
  • How to create custom tests?
  • Epic is free.
  • Source video tutorial:

An epic book for teachers

Why epic?

Like the Scholastic Book Club , Epic provides fun, interactive, and most importantly, safe, quality reading material for children. Epic books are classified according to reading and level of interest. Search over 40,000 titles, share groups, develop quizzes and turn your children's reading into an interactive learning journey. Epic's most popular books include Goodnight Moon, Sesame Street, National Geographic, Wings of Fire, Curious George, Flat Stanley, Wimpy Kid's Diary, and others.

Other features offered by Epic include:

  • Huge library of reading materials including audio books, "read for me" books, comics, graphic novels, chapter books, non-fiction books, etc.
  • The reading materials are available in French, Spanish and Chinese.
  • Vocabulary search that allows students to click to hear the definition of any word they read.
  • Incentives, digital badges, prizes to encourage students to read more.
  • Personalized advice tailored to students' interests - reading level.
  • Progress tracking helps teachers keep track of student readings with information on how many books students have read, how many hours they have spent reading, completing videos, and more.

Epic offers a special option for teachers and educators.

Yes, there is a free Epic School Service for elementary school teachers and elementary school librarians. Visit Epic.com/educators স Sign up with the tutor's email address (not your personal email address).

Please note that the Epic (Epic School) version of the Educator is only for normal elementary school or school library classrooms. If your school is currently in distance learning mode, you can still use Epic with your class during school hours (7: 00-15: 00). , from Monday to Friday) ".

How to create a student profile apk?
There are two ways to add a new student profile. You can add them manually or import them via Google Classroom

A- Manually add student profiles.

Here's how to add a new student profile to your tutor's account.
  • Log into your Epic Teacher account
  • Click Menu
  • Choose Add Student or Create Profile and enter your details
  • Click Add Student.

b- Adding student profiles via Google Classroom

This feature is only available in the web version of Epic-iOS. Here's how to add student profiles using Google Classroom online.
  • Log into your Epic Teacher account
  • Click Add Student
  • Select Import Google Classroom:
  • After logging into your class account, check the box next to Your Class - Select Import to transfer your class.

How are groups created in the class?

Epic allows you to classify your students into different reading groups, giving you an easy way to schedule certifications and track student reading progress. Here's how to create a group.
  • Log into your Epic account
  • Click the My Student tab - select Register
  • Click Create Group in the window that opens, enter the group name
  • Select the students you want to add to your group ক্ল Click Done.

How do you find book customization on Epic?
The Epic Library has many reading materials that you can use with your students. To access it, log into your account and click Browse to find the books displayed by category, or use the built-in search service to search for books by author, title or keyword. You can browse search results by age, reading level, art or journalism, volume (e.g. comics, picture books, poems, reference books, desktop, textbooks, etc.), languages ​​(e.g. English, Spanish, Chinese, French), and tests. After the lesson (for example, searching for books with tests at the end) (for example, books available after the lesson).

If you find an interesting book, click Set to share it with the entire class or student. To read the recommended books, students must log in to their Epic account - log in to the book from their inbox.

How is the activity group created?
Collections are lists of books recommended by other teachers. To search for groups, click Browse, type a search query, and click Groups on the search results page. Click the heart icon to add a collection to your library. You can click Set to assign a group to students. You also have the option to edit your collection to share it with others to create a new collection, just tap the heart icon শুরু start adding books: videos. Name বর্ণ Description of your group য়ন Choose if you want to make it public

How to create custom tests?

To be able to set up a test, click "Explore" - type your query. Then, click the Quiz filter and turn on "Show only test books at the end". Browse the collection: When you find an interesting book, tap to open it. Click on the three question marks and select Create Quiz. Enter your questions (at least three) Answer: When you're ready to share them, click Post. Then put a check mark.

Students will be able to take the test after logging into their Epic profile: click on the inbox. To test student results, click the Student tab নির্বাচন Select Surveys.

Epic is free.
Epic offers two plans: Basic: Unlimited. The Basic plan offers limited possibilities. Unlimited plans provide unlimited access to all Epic materials and tools. "As previously mentioned, Epic School is free for elementary school teachers around the world."

educational video

Watch these video tutorials to learn more about Epic's different features.

other sources.


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