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Best Resources for Science Teachers

Updated February 2022

Science is discovery, research and learning. The internet is full of resources that can be used to revitalize science in your classroom and beyond. To facilitate access to these resources, I have compiled below some of the best scientific websites and forums.

This choice is based on my own experience in blogging, browsing some of these sites and using extensive premium analytics tools.

This continues. Feel free to share your ETML profiles on social media if you have other suggestions that you can add to this list.

The best web resources for science teachers

YouTube channels for teachers and students

Check out a list of some of the best YouTube channels that cover scientific topics from body - nature - to health - food. The channels offer a variety of video content, including tutorials, commentaries, reference books, news, documentaries, short films, courses and more. .

Scientific sites for children

This is a collection of scientific pages that I created especially for children and students. Websites offer a variety of educational resources such as hands-on activities, interactive games, questions, virtual questions, and more. Teachers and parents can use their children to teach science in a fun and engaging way.

Scientific podcasts for teachers and students

In this collection you will find some of the best science-related science podcasts. Most of these podcasts are hosted or co-organized by teachers and are available on a variety of podcast platforms, including Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and more.

Scientific dictionary for teachers and students

On this page you will find excellent scientific dictionaries to help students in their scientific education. Students can study Jorgon’s explanations, consider examples, and study a variety of study materials.

Scientific YouTube channels for children

Check out some of the best science channels on YouTube for educational video content designed specifically for young students.

National Geographic Prison

NAT Geo is your only store for everything related to science and nature. It includes world-class films that explore history, themes, wildlife, the environment, history, culture, travel, archeology and more.

BrainPOP Day

The BrainPOP research unit offers a wide selection of video lessons to help teach a variety of scientific topics in the classroom. These lessons are accompanied by other learning materials such as questions, worksheets, graphic designers, relevant readings and more.

BrainPOP has several items, each of which has a number of lessons. Merits of the Earth system, ecology - energy, matter - chemistry, space, climate, natural forces, scientific research - more. And Brain POP Jr. , There is a version of BrainPOP designed specifically for children.


Mosa Mack is a great resource for science teachers and students. Mosa Mack offers a series of short animated puzzles that students can use to gain knowledge from the videos they watch. Mosa Mack uses a science-based approach to science education, providing content that meets the next generation of scientific standards. Mosa Mack divides his intellectual content into three parts, each of which is "Walking Up on the Blooms Taxonomy ጥልቀት Doctrine".

In addition, each lesson includes many activities - different media (such as graphic designers, Power Point presentations, reviews, lesson plans - etc.). Mosa Mack is designed for students in grades 4-8. In these classes, teachers are given a questionnaire that allows them to identify themselves and increase or decrease the level of assessment depending on the needs of the class. »

Mysterious sciences

Mystery Science offers a wide selection of courses to stimulate your student’s academic education and engage in secret activities. Each lesson is based on simple elements of “you should have this in class or at home”. Each secret is based on practical lessons and consists of a series of short videos and discussions (so-called “research”).

Although the learning process takes about an hour, teachers have the opportunity to divide the study into two parts. He also said: “Secrets are ready to learn and embed in each other in the classroom. Later secrets often refer to the things described in previous secrets. However, each class is designed to stand on both feet, so you can conduct classes in any order.

You understand science.

The science was developed by the University of California, the Berkeley Museum of Paleontology and the National Science Foundation in collaboration with a team of scientists and educators. This forum provides a wide range of research resources for faculty and students.
"Understanding science is a fun, accessible and free source of information about what science is and how it actually works, and helps K-16 teachers strengthen the nature and process of science in their science classrooms."

American scientist

Published in 1845, Scientific American is one of the most popular forums for American scientists to share their scientific knowledge. It covers issues related to science, history, healthcare, space, physics, environment, technology and so on. "Published more than 200 Nobel laureates."

Latest videos

This is a modern list of chemical elements that show the image of each element. This masterpiece was developed by the University of Nottingham. Ptable is a great interactive timeline. The chemical elements in Table P are organized by atomic number, properties, and electron configuration. Each section of this current chart is sent to Wikipedia for more information.


PHAT offers a variety of interactive math and math. Students can use slide tools (e.g. rulers, current clocks, thermometers) to interact with the simulators. All the changes they make will happen quickly, allowing students to test their scientific knowledge as they learn. PhET is also available as an app for iOS and Android.

Discovery Education

Discovery Education offers interesting content to help students understand how science works in everyday life. Content includes virtual tours, videos, articles, podcasts, interactions, tutorials, tutorial kits, tutorials, ready-to-use activities and more. Discovery Education provides teachers with interactive lessons, questions and comprehension tests.

Smithsonian Training Laboratory

The Smithsonian Learning Lab is a free interactive platform that gives teachers access to millions of Smithsonian digital resources, as well as downloads, downloads, configures, creates, and shares easy-to-use tools with colleagues and students. Combine Smithsonian. Take the resources to quickly create lessons and classes suitable for any subject or class, or to customize one of the thousands of collections to suit your needs. You can also create student lists and post content directly to your classroom, all in a safe environment. Meets high school privacy requirements. ”

National Association of Science Teachers

The National Association for Science Education (NSTA) is an active community of 40,000 science teachers and professionals dedicated to promoting excellence in science education and its impact on student learning. NSTA provides quality research contributions and continuing education to help science teachers grow and excel. For new and experienced faculty, the NSTA community provides an opportunity to connect with supporters across the country, meet with consultants and senior researchers, and learn from the best in the field. ”

Next generation scientific standards

Next-Generation Scientific Standards (NGSS) are K-12 standards designed to give teachers and educators “flexibility in developing classroom experiences that engage children and students in science”. College, work and citizenship. . The NGSS Resource Library provides access to resources to help launch next-generation scientific standards. Use an input type audience filter to help you find it.

Friends of Science

Friends of Science provide STEM resources for your class. These include curricula, teacher aids, worksheets, event-ready activities, review courses, STEM projects, video tutorials and more.

Naked scientist

Naked Scientist is a platform managed by a team of scientists and experts. Provides insightful material, such as podcasts, articles, experiments, interviews with researchers, answers to scientific questions, and more. The Naked Scientist covers biology, chemistry, geology, engineering, life, medicine, physics, space and technology.

EdHeads ፡ day

Edheads is an online educational resource that offers free science and math games and activities that promote critical thinking. Choose from simple machines, virtual knee surgery or heart stem cell recovery and more. "All measures meet state and national standards."

Daily science

Science Daily features the latest developments in science, health, environment, technology and more from major universities, scientific journals and research organizations.

Visitors can view more than 500 topics in 12 main categories (listed in the top navigation menu), including pharmaceutical sciences - health; Science և Technology; Biological Environmental Sciences; Social sciences, business, education. »

Laboratory of a young scientist

“The mission of young scientists is to educate a new generation of scientists motivated to improve the world through science. It is full of standard training materials.

Science Friday

Science Friday offers a wide range of learning materials to make science classes fun and entertaining. This includes podcasts, videos, STEM materials, educational activities, science news, science fiction and more.


Gadgets - "Virtual interactive math and science laboratories" - examples for students in grades 3-12. Helps more than 400 modern teacher educators bring powerful new STEM learning opportunities to the classroom. ”


Inq-ITS is a scientific learning platform with simulation that complements NGSS in the field of scientific content. Students show what they know, and teachers receive up-to-date information to inform the class about individual instruction or support. "The Rex Virtual Tutor provides personalized student support to help students learn."


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