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New top story on Hacker News: Tell HN: Facebook is blocking the publiccode.eu open letter initiative as spam

Report to HN Public Facebook Blocks publiccode.eu open message as spam. 50 to post 8 comments on Hacker News. Just try to share the link on Facebook, it will be blocked as spam. In light of the deceptive messages and scams they use to advertise and disseminate, it is almost impossible to believe that this is unintentional.

Adobe Education Exchange Offers Free EdTech Lessons, Activities, and Projects to Use in Your Teaching

Adobe Education Exchange is a platform that offers a wide range of educational resources, professional development materials for teachers, educators. I'll add it to our PDF section on educatorstechnology.com. Adobe Exchange resources are organized into three main categories: Professional Training, Educational Resources, and Community.

In the community, you'll connect with a growing hub of educators and educators who integrate Adobe products into their work. You can search for instructors by subject (eg Design, Humanities, Social Studies, Engineering, Art and Architecture, Mathematics, etc.), Products (eg Illustrator, Spark, Lightroom, Photoshop, InDesign, etc.) , status (eg, participant, influencer, trending, co-author and etc.) and by location.

Adobe Education Exchange

You can easily follow other instructors, learn about the Adobe products they use, view their learning resources, and learn more about their top experiences. I find the Adobe Exchange community functionality to be a great tool for educators, especially those just starting out for inspiration: practical ideas on how to effectively integrate technology into your teaching .

In Educational Resources you will find educational resources organized by topic, school level (for example, all ages, primary, secondary and higher education), time and active student results. For example, you can search for tools used to create photos, videos, illustrations, portfolios, presentations, AR creations, and more.

For example, if you're looking for educational materials that include the use of video, you'll find this content page, which contains several lesson plans that include, but are not limited to, how to use Adobe Premiere with your students for filming, editing, and editing. to produce, among other things, your first film. how to learn stories with Adobe, Khan and Pixar; how to use Spark with students to create a website to take a look at their history; How to use Spark with students to make a video about an imaginary or hypothetical situation. and more.

Adobe Education Exchange

Simply click on the lesson plan that interests you to access its content. You will learn more about the topics: the intended level of education, suggestions to adapt to your class, the availability of supplemental teaching materials and teaching materials, the availability of lessons to help you learn more about the tool that appears. in teaching and much more.

In professional development , you'll find self-paced courses, access information on personalized virtual opportunities - connect with like-minded educators from around the world. You can use the same filter features to view a collection of rhythm lessons yourself. Examples of courses that have impressed me are: Drawing, Digital Drawing in the Classroom, Preparing Students with Essential Creative Skills, 3D Skills in the Classroom, Introducing Video Projects in the Classroom, Developing Digital Literacy and much more.

Teach creativity with Adobe and Khan Academy

Once you find the course you are interested in, click through to study its content. The courses provide information on the pedagogical objectives achieved, the duration of the course, the teachers, the tools used, the level of focus, the opportunity to be included in the course.

Adobe Education Exchange professional training packages include professional training in graphic design, creative imaging, Adobe Spark Professional, Adobe Rush Professional, and more. Click on the source you like and subscribe to access its content.

You can also use the Adobe Education Exchange search box to find thousands of other educational materials. You'll find effective discussions, illustrations, tutorials, professional development workshops to help you add a creative dose to your teaching and become an informed EdTech teacher.


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