Google Arts and Culture has a section of five interactive games that allow students to learn about art and culture. Check it out եք share it with your students և children.
An interactive game where students choose first. The sooner students respond, the more points they will receive. Students are given two visual cues և to play in an older chronological order. These visual signs are diverse: paintings by artists, architectural symbols, museums, inventors, and more. Once students have chosen the answer, they can scroll down to read more about the visual suggestions.
A game that helps students develop their cultural literacy through word puzzles. Crosswords are divided into four main categories: art, world, science և technology, fashion: nature. Students can play crossword puzzles in each of these sections or play them in the weekly crossword puzzle section. Once you have selected the crossword that you want to play, you can click on the icon to start filling in the crossword puzzle. When students click on a route, they can see more about it in Google Art and Culture.
Students work in pairs or individually to solve artistic puzzles. There are hundreds of boxes that students can play with. The process is simple և simple. First, students choose the picture they want to play with. To learn more about works of art at Google Art & Culture, click Learn More. Then they choose to play the puzzle alone or with others. A unique code has been created for this latest version to share with others
This game gives students the opportunity to learn more about art և culture through unexpected couples. For example, to learn more about artistic movements, students are given two columns: they are asked to draw pictures on the box corresponding to the caption. If they do not know a particular work of art, they can click on Google Art and Culture.
A game that allows students to draw with a "famous picture palette". To start the game, they have to select a picture, then use the tools provided, draw on it, and adjust it as they wish. Upon completion, they can upload their work or share it with others on social media or through links created. There are also ways to print coloring books so students can work offline.
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