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PhET Interactive Simulations- Full Review for Teachers and Students

PhET provides access to interactive simulation and research for teaching and learning mathematics, science, physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences. The simulation is animated using graphics, interactive controls, sliders and switches.

The PhET Interactive Simulation Project was founded in 2002 by Carl Woman, a Nobel laureate from the University of Colorado at Boulder. PhET simulators are used by teachers and students around the world, which explains why these interactive simulators are available in translations in over 90 languages.

PhET interactive simulations

PhET simulation , based on rigorous research, "involves students in an intuitive play environment where students learn through exploration and discovery." There are over 100 free interactive simulations that you can download from the web, mobile app or your computer.

PhET simulation interactive. When students change settings or make simulations, they immediately respond to their changes and see the specific results of their changes reflected in the simulation behavior. The simulations are designed in such a way that students usually do not need direct instructions to learn how to use them.

How does PHET help students learn?

PhET simulations can be used for various educational purposes. For students, PhET modeling helps to visualize abstract concepts and processes and connect STEM to the real world.

PhET simulations can help students participate in research through the development of tools using widely accepted scientific concepts and much more, by examining new ideas, taking on new problems, identifying causal relationships.

PhET modeling provides real-world examples of how things interact and work in ways that are not available in traditional classes. Simulation allows students to set foot outside the classroom and explore opportunities for learning and experimentation.

How does PhET help teachers?

For teachers, PhET Simulator is ideal for teaching STEM subjects. Teachers can use animated images to illustrate dynamic processes and reveal hidden connections. They can use interactive modeling to "emphasize the relationship between real events and the basic sciences" and to make the invisible visible (such as atoms, molecules, electrons, photons).

Teachers can also use interactive PhET simulations to stimulate group discussions and create simulation situations to facilitate classroom exploration and ask students to predict the consequences of manipulating variables. Check out this guide to learn more about using PhET in teaching.

PhET function available

The PhET simulator has many features, including:
  • To help voice and announcing students, especially those with visual impairments, they immerse themselves in a deeper learning process.
  • Alternative input allows students to fully immerse themselves in an interactive keyboard simulation.
  • Interactive description allows visually impaired or visually impaired students to interact with simulations using screen readers and keyboard software.
  • The pan and zoom functionality allows students to see closely what is happening in the simulation.
  • Voting is a configurable setting that uses information about voice-to-voice simulation on the web when users navigate and interact. Voice control provides on-demand access to simulation overview, up-to-date information, and productive collaboration tips. "

You can search simulators by subject (such as Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and Biology), level of learning, accessibility, and language. Depending on the model you are looking for, the PhET simulator contains the following metadata: details of covered topics, examples of learning objectives, standardized alignment specifications, classes taught by teachers, teaching tips, translations and much more. Please note that login is required to access some PhET resources.

How to integrate PhET simulation?

PhET modeling can be easily embedded in other platforms such as Google Slides and PowerPoint. The process is simple and straightforward: First, find the simulation you want to use and click the "Insert" button below it. Copy the generated code from the given text box and use it anywhere on the web. "Flash simulators can be embedded directly or linked via images to run the simulator."


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