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LingQ- Learn A New Language By Reading and listening to Stories

LingQ is a language learning platform that helps you learn a new language by reading and listening to stories in your target language. LingQ Library offers a variety of educational content in over 20 languages. Content includes podcasts, news articles, stories, interviews, radio shows, novels, texts, and more.


You can even import your own content and turn it into interactive text. LingQ teaching methods are based, among other things, on natural methods. One that emphasizes communication և comprehension skills. With this method, students learn best when immersed in natural encounters where language is used for real-time needs-based communication purposes.

How do you use lingQ to learn a new language?

LingQ's work is simple և simple. First select a lesson from the library, listen և follow the lesson, search for new words և phrases, save the vocabulary you have learned, review the vocabulary you have learned և apply. The Community function enhances social interaction between students by allowing them to share tips, advice, and help with language learning.

You need to create an account to use LingQ. Registration is free, և You only need a valid email. Address և Password: In the registration process, you must indicate the language you want to learn, the level at which you want to start (for example, beginner, intermediate or advanced) և daily goal.

There are several goals you can choose from depending on how much time you are willing to spend on your language learning project. Each achievement contains a certain amount of coins that you earn when you win. For example, random goals require 10 minutes of study a day և offer 50 coins. Crazy goals, on the other hand, require 60 minutes of study a day, offer 400 coins, and more.

Once you've selected your daily goals, select at least five categories to customize your text flow. Some of the suggested categories include news, podcasts, books, technology, pronunciation, health, science, culture, grammar, sports, food, politics, travel, and more.


After completing the registration, you will be redirected to your account page, where you will be able to access tutorials and courses. The lessons are divided into several sections. Browse collections to see where you want to start

Click on each lesson to open it with LingQ Reader և start learning. The player is simple և easy to use. This way you can "listen to the text" and "read" the text. Listening improves pronunciation և speaking skills. The words underlined in blue are new words that you need to define.

Click on each word և use the right column to select the meaning of the selected word. Select the definition or type և click on the green mark to mark it as a familiar word. The words learned are highlighted in yellow.

Vocabulary tab allows you to use all saved words and phrases. You can review them there և even import a list of dictionary entries և use them in your review tasks.

LingQ includes a grammar guide to help you learn the basics of target language grammar. The guide includes grammar lessons related to areas such as verb conjugations, prepositions, punctuation, nouns, articles, and more.

business flow

LingQ monitors all your learning activities և Provides detailed statistics so you know where you are in your language learning project. You can track listening time, number of familiar words saved, word reading, word writing, consultation hours, lesson completion, lesson input, and much more.

LingQ Community:

A community is a social space where language teachers meet, ask questions, answer questions, give advice, find content, and help one another. Members can get help from classmates or ask for teachers or educators. There are several types of forums in the community. For example, "Open Forum" is a forum that is open to all members, focused on everything related to language learning, and so on.

In addition to forums, the community includes other features such as challenges և writing exchanges. A challenge is a place where language learners face a variety of language challenges, and knowledge sharing is a place where learners receive written assistance.

LingQ import extension for Chrome

LingQ Importer is a Chrome add-on that you need to install automatically to import web pages, articles, and video titles from YouTube և Netflix-like sites to learn LingQ through LingQ առցանց Online ուցման mobile language learning tools. The importer automatically imports the original headings, text, images, captions, URLs, and displays them into LingQ Reader, allowing you to view, trace, and track any keyword data with LingQ search, review, and tracing capabilities.

lingQ Chrome Extension

Do you have a mobile application for LingQ?

Yes, LinkedIn is available as a mobile app forAndroid և iOS devices .

How much does LingQ cost?

LingQ is a free service that offers free և paid options. The free version is quite basic և does not have many interesting features that can help you learn the language. The premium version starts at 7.99 / month (24 months), 8.99 / month (12 months), 11.99 / month (6 months) և 12.99 / month (1 month). There is also a Premium Plus version with different prices from 34.99 / month (24 months) to 39.99 / month (1 month).

Some of the features included in the premium version are: LingQs with unlimited vocabulary, monitoring of all learning activities, unlimited imported manuals, import / export of dictionaries, offline access to mobile applications, text editing-printing, additional actions և much more.

Watch these video tutorials to learn more about LingQ.

My personal acceptance

As a multiple and former language teacher, I find LingQ a very interesting platform that can be very helpful in learning a new language. I especially like the features of the library ությունը the variety of content offered. I also like the ability to import and use my language learning materials.

However, LingQ has some weaknesses that need to be addressed. First of all, special attention is paid to the teaching of vocabulary through practical communication activities. Additionally, some YouTube video content may not work due to copyright requirements or because it is no longer available on the hosting platform. The last point is the price. The prices are a bit high, as most of the visitors are students.


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