The games are essentially attractive! They tend to motivate players and hold their attention for a long time without getting bored. What motivates the game?
In his book “ What Video Games Can Teach Us Learning and Literacy,” James Paul Gee discusses game design principles that motivate and entertain games. He argues that a good video game (Ji is primarily a video game, but the principles are good games in this regard) has internal learning principles that make them more engaging and motivating.
Ji (2003) focuses on five basic principles of learning, namely:
1. The principle of active and critical learning
All aspects of the learning environment (including how
semiotic areas are designed and presented) organized to promote active and critical learning rather than passive learning.
2. The Ticini principle
Learning and understanding the principles of design and engineering is at the heart of the learning process.
3. Semiotic principle
Learning and understanding relationships within and between multiple sign systems (images, words, actions, symbols, artifacts, etc.), such as complex systems, is central to the learning process.
4. Principles of the semiotic field
Learning requires a certain level of mastery of the semiotic field and the ability to deal to some degree with the group or groups of kinship with which it is associated.
5. Principles of meta-level thinking in the semiotic world.
Learning involves active and critical thinking about the relationship of the studied semiotic field with other semiotic fields ”(pp. 49-50).
In his book, Ji gives vivid examples of how these learning principles are incorporated into various video games (e.g., Pikmin). Ji emphasizes that these learning principles need to be considered to make learning interesting and motivating. Extrapolating game learning principles to a non-gaming environment is the basis of the game.
What is a game?
Simply put, gameplay is the application of game elements to a non-gaming experience. Elements of the game are built on the texture of the game and include rewards, competitions, challenges, achievements, problem solving, excitement, storytelling, interactivity, rules, leaderboards, collaboration, emotions, feedback and more. includes.
The more elements in the game, the more interesting it is. For example, games with interactive features, with varying levels of difficulty, involving players in various forms of competition, offering prizes and feedback, these games tend to attract players and are more popular in the gaming community.
There are several examples of educational games that embody these principles and are actually very popular with students from all over the world. These games include SimCity, Math Ninja, Dragon Box, Roblox, Prodigy, Wordscapes and many more titles.
A wide range of web-based tools are also available to help teachers organize their learning. For example, Quizalize , Kahoot , Quizlet , Blooket , PlayPosit , Edpuzzle and many other tools are designed to facilitate learning and teaching based on game learning principles. They provide a student-friendly platform that students create, compete, interact, share and help each other realize their learning potential while having fun.
The aforementioned Gee book will help you learn more about the concept of games. You can also check out a collection of books I have prepared specifically for teachers and educators who are interested in exploring the pedagogical potential of the game and its various applications in teaching and learning in the classroom.
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